Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Vacation Recap - Day 1 & 2

Joe and I just returned from a wonderful vacation cruising the Caribbean. 7 nights on the Emerald Princess. Thus begins our vacation recap...

Day 1 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL

We awoke early on Sunday morning to make our way to Baltimore for a 9am flight. The parking lot and lines at the airport were a lot more crowded than I was used to but we had allowed ourselves enough time. We checked in, grabbed some breakfast, and boarded our plane for Florida.

We arrived in Ft. Lauderdale around 11:30 and took a taxi to Port Everglades. Embarkation, they call it. When you get there, they take your luggage and you trust it'll eventually show up at your room on the boat. We went through security, waited in some lines, got our picture taken, and eventually we were on the boat. After finding our room, can you imagine what we decided to do next? Eat, of course! Buffet...buffet...buffet...where are you?

Oh, but we soon found out you can eat but drinking will cost you. Not just drinking alcohol, but even drinking soda and coffee. You could either buy each small glass of soda at $2.50 a pop or sign up for a $30 all you can drink plan. $60 later, we were set to go. Phew. A definite downfall of this cruiseline. Can't they just wrap drink costs into the total cost?

The rest of the afternoon we checked out the boat and settled into our room. Eventually our suitcases showed up and we changed for...you guessed it...another meal! But first, they were showing Michael Jackson's This is It in one of the lounges and since Netflix has had us on a wait to see that movie for months and months, it was about darn time we finally could!

You'd be quite impressed to know how adventurous I was with my eating. For dinner, I ordered Barramundi (an Australian fish) and it was very delicious! Joe probably had beef.

Day 2 - Princess Cays, Bahamas

It didn't take very long to arrive at our first destination. The Princess Cays is a private island owned by the cruiseline. Therefore, it's not really necessary to sign up for any excursions because everything you need is right there. The ship anchored offshore and we had to tender into the island (sophisticated looking life boats, essentially).

There was a very large beach with plenty of chairs. We set up camp for the day. The beach was a little rocky near the shore so I decided I'd rather float and we rented a raft for the day. It was lovely. The water here was definitely the coldest of all the destinations and took some getting used to.
For lunch, there was a BBQ buffet with some huuuge hotdogs. We chowed down. Fresh fruit was plentiful. My least favorite part was waiting in long lines to take a tender boat back to the big boat but we survived.
This day we decided to do an earlier dinner. This meant, we'd get to see the pretty sunset off the back of the boat. Also, I think it was this night that we saw a comedian (Kevin Hughes) who specialized in relationship humor.

More to come...

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