Sunday, April 4, 2010


For my birthday, my mom gave me a gift certificate for the Sex and the City sites tour in New York City. Once we heard the weather was going to be nice, we cashed it in. The three hour tour took us past real locations used when filming the HBO series as well as the movie. And yes, I realize I have a wonderful husband who didn't hesitate to accompany me on this adventure. He loves the girls too, don't let him fool you.

Rather than just posting all my pictures, I tried to track down some video clips as points of reference. Here's some of what we saw.

Carrie tells Miranda she has a crush on Aidan over cupcakes...

In the show, Steve and Aidan open up a bar named "Scout." We visited Scout, which is actually called O'Neail's. (skip ahead to 2:11 in the video below)

And, of course, we went inside for a Cosmo.

In Sex and the City the movie, Carrie and Mr. Big have their rehearsal dinner at a restaurant called Buddakan. Here is a clip from that part of the movie.

In the clip, you can see the sign for the restaurant behind Samantha's head.

When Miranda tells Big that "marriage ruins everything" they are both standing by these doors.

And this was the beautiful table used for the rehearsal dinner.

We also visited the Pleasure Chest where Charlotte buys "the rabbit."

Miranda's gym...
Samantha's street in the meat packing district...
Etc., etc., etc.

But, when all is said and down, there is no place like home. Phew, NYC was crazy! On the other hand, I can't wait until the next movie comes out this summer! eeee!


  1. Looks like it was a fun trip! Magnolia's does have some yummy cupcakes!

  2. Loved the clips, since I was not a fan, gave me points of reference..glad you liked it!
