For months we researched the best brands and prices and waited for the deal of the century to come our way. Sadly, prices never dropped. So, last Monday we ordered an elliptical from Amazon for $699. I was ok with that - I had to get my butt in gear. But, on Tuesday, I overhear my coworker Helen talking about selling her elliptical before she moves to a new apartment. Not only that, it was the same brand that Joe and I had just purchased. I just about fell out of my chair! How did I miss this opportunity by one day?
Lucky for us, Amazon had not processed our order and I got into our account just in time to cancel it. And get this, Helen only wanted $100 and the elliptical was in great shape. Wow! $100 really did feel like we were stealing it from her, so we threw in a $50 tip and probably owe her a few drinks in the near future. Thanks Helen!
And, also a noteable purchase this month: Skis, boots, and poles for both of us! When rentals for one day of skiing can cost you $60 + a big headache dealing with the chaos, Joe and I have always wanted to own our own equipment. That kind of commitment would normally come with a huge that makes $60 a trip not really seem so bad. Thousands of dollars, likely. But, thanks to the Baltimore Ski Warehouse (and Jill for finding their website) we scored everything we needed for both of us for $500. Yes, it's used, but we're hoping it holds up for our three trips, or so, a year.
I love a good deal!
Great job on the steal of the year!