Monday, January 18, 2010

Blogging from my couch

How cute is my new netbook? Joe got me a much overdue Christmas present...that is, my last laptop was purchased before I went to college and was practically an antique. Now I have this itty bitty netbook so I can connect to the www from the comfort of my couch.

Another reason he got it for me was because I was going away for work for two weeks and it was going to be much nicer to be able to get online from my hotel room. Thus why I haven't blogged in a while, though. I'm finally back on my own turf and have time to update everyone.

For work, we were conducting four separate trainings across the country for our survey. My roll was that of a presenter and just general helper. Two of the trainings were conducted in Atlanta, GA and the other two were in San Antonio, TX and Tucson, AZ. It was a total of eight plane flights and overall just a lot of hours. Plus, too many nights in hotel rooms. As a result, I've gotten the first cold I've had in a long time. But, I'm glad to be home. I don't know how people travel like that as a part of their job. I guess you would get use to it but it definitely took a toll on me.

We didn't get much time to sight see during the trips, but I did get out a little.

Coca Cola Factory - Atlanta, GA

The Alamo - San Antonio, TX

Tucson, AZ

Now, it's back to reality.

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