Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December Deals & Steals

Like for most people, December is a jam-packed month of buying. And, I must admit, I'm not the best holiday deal hunter. I hate black Friday and you won't see me bum rushing a store on the day after Christmas either. Normally, I don't leave myself enough time to buy gifts and mass purchase things on Amazon instead. This post also won't be as robust as it could be since I don't want to give away what I spent on everyone's gifts. So, here it goes....

1. Wii Sports Resort, $29. Original price, $50. The deals website we frequent posted about a random decrease in price for this game on Amazon. It was down to $40. As a past incentive for pre-ordering a different game, Joe also had a $10 code for any Wii game. End result, a $20 savings. Pretty good for a video game. Free shipping, of course.
2. Spider-Man 3 (Blu-ray), Wedding Crashers (Blu-ray), The Gladiator (Blu-ray), and Knocked Up. 4 DVDs, 3 of them blu-rays, $36. This was an Amazon black friday deal. I just went back on the website to add up with the same dvds cost today - $71. That's a savings of $35.

3. Wrap dress from Banana Republic, $37 thanks to a sale price, $10 off reward certificate and $15 off birthday certificate.

4. Two large jar Yankee Candles at $10 each thanks to Bed, Bath & Beyond 50% off sale plus a coupon for an additional 20% off our entire order. That's a savings of $30.

5. $34 of Christmas decorations for $17. This includes 3 boxes of glass ornaments and 2 mini Christmas trees. This is what happens when you end up in Target on the day after Christmas.

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!

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