No, the kitty cat is not preparing to go to the moon, he is apparently using a high tech kitty toilet. Wowsa! I really thought the commercial was a joke but after doing a little googling, it was clear that this is indeed for real and called the Litter Robot. There is an original version an even an expanded version for cats with a little more junk in the trunk. And you too can have it for the low low price of $350!!
Now back in the day we owned one of the original automatic litter boxes but it didn't go so well. The thing scared the bejesus out of Midnight everytime it scooped but worse than that, it wasn't covered and he got litter EVERYWHERE. The poor soul that lives in our old apartment now is probably still finding litter behind things. So the Litter Robot, with it's innovated sphere like design, may indeed solve the flying litter problem - but, $350? This cheap girl can't stomach it.
I hope they some day come out with a $500 litter box that's covered, scoops, cleans and finally takes the waste out to the trashcan. That might be worth the investment!
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