Friday, June 19, 2009


Thanks to my friend Christina's awesome googling skills, we've discovered that Kate G loves Ann Taylor Loft. She may own just about every summer dress they have in store at the moment. I recognized so many. Most importantly, I found the dress I was smitten over:

I actually liked the brown better, but they didn't have it in my size and I was feeling too lazy to venture to another store. It's a little comforting to know that although people think Kate G is a fame, money-lovin whore, she still shops where the normal folk do.

I also stopped into Old Navy before I left and found another cotton number to add to the summer wardrobe. Hooray for comfy clothes. I felt like modeling it for you along with my Target gladiators. I want so badly to wear these shoes out but I have yet to find an appropriate occasion.


  1. WOW! Glad to know Christina's good for something!

  2. lol - I'm glad I could be of service! And glad you found the dress! :)
